Wednesday 16 July 2008

Phew, good news at last

Well its been a while since my last post,and this has mainly been due to a massive downswing pissing me off at the end of sessions and me just shutting down and going to bed. It started about a week and a half ago, and now (thank god) i seem to be past it. The turning point seemed to be the arrival of my new laptop! Its awesome, bigger screen, double the RAM and just soo much better then my desktop. It also meant i could re-install PT and get my HUD back. Anyway the downswing cost me a massive 30$, that might seem small, but at 2NL that represents most peoples entires BR. Luckily im more then rolled for it so it doesnt seem to have dented my armour at all and now im on a bit of a heater im managed to recover my losses

Fuck that. Just lost a buy in AA vs QQ rivered... HSIT

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