Friday 20 June 2008

I hate poker so much...

Well another bad night last night. After having a serious review of my stats and BR last night i decided i simply wasnt ready to play ring. I know many people say building a BR through SnGs is hard, due to the variance and bad runs ect but im gonna at least try and get my BR up to 200$ through SnGs before i touch ring again.

So with this happy notion in my head i decide to play a few 1$ SnGs (the rakes appaling but i reckon i wont be there long so i should be okay..) I lost 6 straight SnGs without even nearing the bubble. I wasnt playing badly either, the hands which busted me: JJ vs 56s (of course villain has to call 4xbb pf with 56..) , AQo vs A7o (got my money in on the turn with TPGK only to have him spike two pair on the river) , AJ vs QQ (two pair beaten by set) ect ect. The last two SnGs i probably played badly, that monster named tilt raised its ugly head. BR down to 45$ now and im starting to wonder if poker is really the game for me...

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